This past month Corwin has been trying out new words. Last Sunday we were in church and during Sharing Time the teacher asked in what ways can our parents show love to us. Corwin raised his hand and said, " My mom and dad express their love to me by giving me hugs." As a mom I was happy to see him use the correct word and such a Big word for his age. Tonight I decided to venture out and make my own spaghetti sauce, one because Corwin really wanted spaghetti for dinner, and two I didn't have any Prego handy. So as I was making the sauce he came into the kitchen and asked me what I was making? I told him I was making my own spaghetti sauce. He looked at it as I was putting in tomato paste and said, "Wow I didn't know that you put raw sewage in spaghetti!!!!!!!!!!!" I tried to explain that he was using the wrong word, but he ran off before I could correct him. I just started laughing and had to share it with everyone! As he keeps trying to use words I will post all his funnies so I can look back and have a great laugh.
Kendranisms as a child.
I'm breevin= I'm freezing
Pasghetti= Spaghetti
Wallermelon= Watermelon
Tardy for school= I woudl become retarded( I feel bad for that one)
Handy me downs= I would become handicapped(I feel bad for this one too. Imagination.)
Kindergarten= Kendragarten( who wouldn't say that, if you had my name!!)
Chocky-Mocky- Chocolate Milk (all of my family still uses that today)
Emily Pehrson used to say Oggnegg for Eggnog.
Chelsea Frederickson when she was little, very little called me KAK.
Andy Frederickson on the other hand used to call me Caw Caw. I will take KAK over that.
Thanks to my family for our lovely nisms!!!!
Anyone else have funnies to share?!!!
It was good to see you the other day, I felt bad I had to leave the meeting early. I enjoyed looking at your blog and getting caught up on what you have been up to!
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